SickKids Uroflow

Photo by the SickKids Foundation

SickKids Uroflow was a student-led project partnered directly with The Hospital for Sick Children (SickKids) to develop an application that allows patients to do uroflowmetry tests at home.

Uroflowmetry measures the rate of voiding vs. time and displays the test result as a curve. Currently, these tests can only be done with a machine in clinics operated by a nurse practitioner. Since the test is relatively easy and regularly conducted, it is taking away time from clinicians and nurses that could be better spent on other tasks. From the patients’ perspective, the test is not easily accessible as they would have to travel to the clinic on a regular basis.

With this problem in mind, we developed SickKids Uroflow, a mobile application that enables patients to record and upload the sounds of their urine. From there the app will send the generated uroflow curve to the web app client for clinicians.

The tech stack for this project is:

  • Web App: ReactJS
  • Mobile App: React Native
  • Back End: FeathersJS

For more information on this product, please check us out on Github or see the video demo.

Karen Chen
Karen Chen
Computer Science Student
